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The Founders of Launch Pad, Bradley and Kimiya DeRuiter have worked with Goverment agencies on City, County and State levels.

On a City and County level Bradley DeRuiter, while CEO of Pervo Paint Company, along with his wife Kimiya DeRuiter, started a program for spanish speaking employees to sponsor them to attend english classes by working with local community colleges.  This in turn began an initiative by former Los Angeles Mayor James Hahn to begin a literacy program for hispanics in Los Angeles to create paths for learning english through the same local community colleges.

On a City, County and State level, Bradley also pursued improving safety policies with regards to pavement markings, traffic control and roadway safety by working with these agencies to increase the product quality and testing to ensure tax payers were getting what they paid for and to discourage against corruption and cheating.


This was accomplished through creating specifications that required the highest quality products with the longest life cycles promoting both long term cost savings and improved overall roadway safety. 


"government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." ~Abraham Lincoln

Perhaps a new


political party


shall Emerge...

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